Friday, March 19, 2021


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The CCDH in UKuck has reared it's ugly head YET AGAIN. This time, it has been unfortunately cranked up to 11. Zero Hedge has corrected what happened to Dr. Zhou (Chinese research scientist), including doxxing of Dr. Zhou. Please keep in mind the CCDH is "in allegiance" with Great Britain's Labour Party, which is the equivalent of the #DUMBOCRATIC Party here in the USA.

You can read Greenmedinfo's article about the CCDH which is Part Two.

 The Digital Hit List has been put out and it contains Dr. Mercola's name on it. CCDH has been VERY DESPERATE to censor him. On top of that, the CCDH has been admitting to spying and tracking on:

  • Failbook
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • Twatter
The CCDH has labeled Dr. Mercola as one of the "MAIN INFLUENTIAL Anti-Vaxxers" that must "be silenced" for good. If you want to know more, please read the following Greenmedinfo article for more information.

That's all I got to share for now. Until NEXT TIME!

-Steven K.

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