Tuesday, May 11, 2021



Image (c) ForeignAffairs.com


The modern-year of "mainstream journalism" wants you to believe that unvaccinated people are a "threat", a "danger" and at a "greater risk" to kill your grandma, grandpa, and any other person out there. Pfizer expects to receive $26 BILLION from their vaccine shot(s), and that money is NOT going to help you. Factors like vaccine shedding and the fact that this "drug" that is experimental is a MUCH GREATER RISK than the virus will ever be. NaturalHealth365 has the details.

Allergies are at an all-time high due to the risks of off-gassing of paints, carpets, mattresses, and other building materials. HEPA Filters have been recommended for their use and there is studies that show their use. Probiotics and acupuncture are also recommended to reduce allergies. NaturalHealth365 gives you this information.

Gardening can improve your body and mind. Unfortunately, people are encouraged NOT to grow your own vegetables because it is ILLEGAL.I would advise you to check with your state and FIGHT those laws, you pussy-ass disposable corporate tools. Back to gardening, it can be used to improve your overall health. NaturalHealth365 is for gardening lovers everywhere.

Here is a video exposing the insanity about COVID-19:

Lockdowns have become aggressive with the highest lockdown having the most infected cases. Yet, it is done to "promote human safety". More people died while #STAYINGATHOME Medical fascism is at work, and there are a handful of people who point out the lies. Naturalnews.com covers the lockdown.

Source is from BBC.com (surprisingly)

#CAREERCRIMINALFAUCI has been a liar, a criminal, and purposely deceiving you. In fact, he loves CHINA as much as Bill Gates that he is willing to FUND THEIR RESEARCH for aborted babbies 👼. This technically puts "Dr." Fauci in a war criminal position. NaturalNews.com has the information.

In other news, there is a covid spike protein that is NOT from the virus; it is from the VACCINE that is causing the blood clot. This is a strong reason to refuse the shot from Naturalnews.com. Here is an .onion backup of Naturalnews.com. Chemicals that are found in processed food will hurt your immune system from NaturalHealth365.com. In the latest private school, VACCINE SEGREGATION in Miami private school is REAL! This article from NaturalHealth365.com proves it. OY GEVALT cried the Israeli government when the forced shot happened. It could happen to you from NaturalHealth365. Aluminum is a neurotoxin, and it has been linked to Alzheimer's as well as autism. Sadly, medical professionals tend to ignore this information presented by NaturalHealth365. Cold showers have many health benefits including huge energy and alertness. Find out why at NaturalHealth365. Fast food has been proven to be for mental distress. Find out why at NaturalHealth365. Dark chocolate has been proven to lower your stress so find out why at NaturalHealth365. 🍫 Face masks do MORE HARM than good.😷 This article from NaturalHealth365 proves it. Curry is good for your health according to NaturalHealth365.

That's all I have to share in this article. Until next article!

-Steven K./@skitworld

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