Tuesday, April 13, 2021



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These series of articles is from #TRUTHABOUTCANCER. Please visit them now when you get the chance, it is worth it!

This video is about The Dangers of Fluoride 👇:

The sad truth is that all of us are "drinking ourselves to death" due to the fluoride in the water. Many people are mislead to believe that fluoride is good for you because of the toothpaste. Guess what boys and girls, fluoride is a POISON! You can view this article here.

Don't go to SNOPES! They have been proven to be FAKE NEWS for many years. This article from NaturalNews.com is evidence.

Finally, The "Orange Man Bad" Disease has escalated to a nationwide pandemic. Forget COVID-19, this is the REAL EPIDEMIC of this nation. You can find out why here.

That's all I have to share. Until next article!

-Steven K.

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