Saturday, February 27, 2021



Image (c)


I would like to congratulate Pokémon on its 25th ANNIVERSARY! It has been quite a long journey. Here are a couple of things that I do NOT approve for the anniversary:


I would like to start out that TWITTER RETARDS and those that are on Leddit/LibtardERA/Whatever leftist shithole they come from have got their screeching wish. I hope you are all happy with the style remake that is in of OR/AS. A true Pokémon fan wouldn't screech to the heavens above for a GODAWFUL REMAKE of the WORST REGION in existence: S(h)i(t)nnoh! This region is so boring and atrocious that a single mountain is worshipped in the middle of this region. Who cares, it is enormous and that is good enough for me!1!1!1!1

Not going for the Death Mountain vibe at all! Completely original in a Nintendo game! Image (c) Poké

On top of that, I hate every single one of the Gym Leaders in this "region":

I H-A-T-E YOU ALL! Source is here.

Still H-A-T-E You. Changing one person doesn't improve anything! Source is here.

Next up on why I hate this cursed region is that it is most likely based in Canada, which makes it EXTREMELY UNLIKABLE and it EXPLAINS EVERYTHING. Now if it will match Canada's "principles", then I am all set on this:

Source is MikeMash via YT. Embedded via Invidious.

There's also the "honorable mentions" like your "so-called" RIVAL (which is a newbie to the world of Pokémon). Not even Gary Oak will stoop that low. On top of that, there is nothing exciting like Star Trek wannabes like Team Galactic. You cannot even catch one of my favorite types of Pokémon: Dark! You thought I would put images and captions to describe it, but it would take up unnecessary space.

Moving on to the disappointment that is:



Call me when they release Pokémon Legends: Bird Trio Edition or Pokémon Legends: Legendary Beast Trio. Image (c)

Visualize open-world like Breath of the Wild. If Pokémon Sword and Shield wasn't a bold direction to take this franchise to appease to millennials that wanted this type of cancer, then it won't appeal to the true Pokémon fans everywhere else. The story-line is altered, meaning that nothing makes sense anymore. Look at these starters:

I hope you LOVE your starters. The only good one is Cyndaquil in the middle, and even it doesn't belong in a game like this. Image (c)

Overall, I would say that for 25 years in the making, Pokémon DESERVES MUCH BETTER THAN THIS. I hate the direction it has been going with "open world". I am all for exploration, but this is NOT the way to go. Remember how Pokémon used to be innovative (up to Gen III)? All that went out the window when Gen IV came along. I feel Pokémon has been a corpse on life support, and I want to see that sparkle happen again:

#MAKEPOKEMONGREATAGAIN. I know the image says 2016, but this needs to HAPPEN MORE THAN EVER BEFORE. Image (c) Johosafats via Deviantart.

That is all. Until next time, #GOTTASEETHEMALL or something. Pokémon is on life support, and I believe it can be revived if that spark was to happen.

Image is by Javanshir. No, not pointing out the source.

-Steven K.

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