I don't support Hearthstone. Image (c) Hearthstone Wiki |
I don't support Hearthstone. Image (c) Hearthstone Wiki |
It isn't an item that you can have. Image (c) DiabloWiki |
It isn't bad enough when the #WOKEFORCE/GUBMINT demands bloat positions. To start things off, I am doing the GUBMINT/GUBMIT bloat positions first. Bloated GUBMINT/GUBMIT got bigger thanks to #DIVIDERJOE. GUBMINT/GUBMIT: Bigger, Bloated, and More Dangerous (now with complimentary sign-up form). Orange Man's Administration of CURRENT YEAR MINUS OF THREE planned to eliminate bloat positions. In #OVERSEASPROBLEMS, at least their GUBMINT/GUBMIT acknowledged BLOAT POSITIONS. In latest ResearchGate .PDF, download and read at your own peril/risk. Let's discuss the #WOKEFORCE bloat positions. Starting with my least favorite "industry" ever, the (((AIRLINE))) Industry Is Facing/Faced The #PLANDEMIC (cry me a river). May The #WOKEFORCE Be With You: #DIVIDERJOESAMERICA's Job Crisis. In #OVERSEASPROBLEMS (again), African Nation Struggles To Pay Bloated #WOKEFORCE. Eskom (whatever company that is) Plans To Tackle Bloated #WOKEFORCE. Videos of BLOAT are displayed ð:
When it comes to GUBMINT/GUBMIT Bloat, the best way to combat that in my honest opinion is to get someone like Orange Man to #DRAINTHESWAMP. At least Orange Man had the RIGHT IDEA; it is a shame that hasn't been in fruitation (yet). I have no hope for the job market anymore. Hell, I am in college myself (see my introduction); the job market is even worse than what #WALKERTEXASSTRANGER left it. I believe it is time to #DRAINTHESWAMP, more than ever before: